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Statistics are updated during the first week of every month.
When do we see the most homes for sale in Cumming, Ga.?
Job change, better schools, etc., the spring and summer months are favored by home buyers and sellers. |
When are most homes sold in Cumming, Ga.? Best time of year for selling?
Keep in mind that homes average 30 days under contract from escrow to close. |
How much are single family homes selling for in the Cumming area? Best time of year to sell to net the most money possible?
Year after year, buyers and sellers tend to favor the spring and summer months. |
How significant is price per square foot?
Although important, price per sq ft is not a true indicator of home values. The land/lot value significantly impacts square foot pricing and should be figured in when comparing like homes. |
How long will it take my Cumming home to sell?
No one knows how long it will take to sell. Because each property is unique, we use the information given as a guideline. Factors such as price, condition, location, and showing availability influence DOM from one property to the next. |